Zechariah & Nathanael

Zechariah & Nathanael
Fun in the garden!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The 2nd homeschooling year

How's homeschool like for Zech now?

We've completed the Kindergarten curriculum from My Father's World. As we were nearing the end a few weeks ago, we had lots of fun doing crafts and not forgetting, our book picnic (my boys love this to bits!) at the park next to our flat.

This is our favourite spot where the boys have their breakfast, read their books and watch the trains and the world go by.

Quail, flower and rainbow crafts...
You see double now as recently, Nathanael is able to join Zech during craft time.


I've bought the first grade curriculum but I'm holding on to that for a while. Currently, I planned my own lessons. Here are some stuff we have done.

I'm using a Mandarin big book. Ended up sharing the story once in English and on another day in Mandarin. Zech listened to each story with great interest. Maybe he's one of those who simply loves stories. What I like about this set of Bible stories is how easily I can teach character building based on each story.


One of the stories of Esau and Jacob allowed me to focus on the individual identity. As a follow-up, my boys made a handprint and after brainstorming with Zech, I wrote both his and Nathanael's strengths on their handprint.

For the subsequent follow-up, Zech drew a self-portrait with a mirror in front of him. Then he wrote a short paragraph about himself.


I've chosen words related to the story as Zech's new vocabulary. Other new words include sight words or words from his readers.

Using the Melissa and Doug magnetic letters, I taught Zech to use the CVC format to make words. With a set of sight word cards below, I showed him how to construct simple sentences using pronouns, verbs, nouns or adjectives. To my surprise, he could create more complex sentences like the following.

I'm also focusing on phonemic awareness. I know I should have done this earlier but with the K curriculum, there really was little time left. So it's like back tracking. Still, better late than never. We've just practised sound discrimination between beginning and ending consonants and revised short vowels. Moving on to rhyming and long vowels next.


Zech is learning to use different strategies to add and subtract. Usually, manipulatives are used to develop his conceptual understanding and to link from the concrete to the abstract.

In the picture below, he's using the 'make ten' method to add.

Other than addition and subtraction, he's also doing patterns (below) and learning to tell time.

Zech is now 4 years 7 months. Homeschool is beginning to look more like school. Sometimes I feel guilty for giving him too much work and for insisting on neat handwriting. After being advised by more than 1 concerned friend, I decided to let it go if effort is put in.

As much as possible, I try to take the boys outdoor or to the playground more than just once a week. Play and field trips are a major part of learning for them. This is one important element I've incorporated in the upcoming unit I've designed based on the Singapore theme. Will be sharing that soon in my blog.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SG50 - NDP theme songs and videos

As Singapore turns 50 this year, it's been very exciting to watch the up and coming events happening at almost every corner around our sunny island. It's a big celebration and we are not going to miss it here at home. So as part of our very own SG50 celebration, I've compiled a list of NDP songs with the links for the music videos. Not the most comprehensive but the list has included many favourites of mine.

Enjoy and sing in your most patriotic voice for our multiracial country!

NDP theme songs

1.      Stand up for Singapore (1984)

2.      Count on me Singapore (1986)

3.      We are Singapore (1987)

4.      Home/ (1998)

5.      One people, one nation, one Singapore (1990)

6.      Together (1999)

7.      Where I belong/ 属于(2001)

8.      We will get there/一起走到 (2002)

9.      One united people/全心全意 (2003)

10.  Reach out for the skies (2005)

11.  My island home (2006)

12.  There’s no place I’d rather be (2007)

         Will you? (2007)

14.  Shine for Singapore/晴空万里 (2008)

15.  What do you see? (2009)

16.  Song for Singapore (2010)

17.  In a heartbeat (2011)

18.  Love at first light (2012)

19.  Shine Singapore/最幸福的感 (2013)

20.  There’s no place like home (2015)

My beloved homeland (2015)

Other National songs

Singapore town

Five stars arising

Munnaeru Vaalibaa

Singapura, sunny island

Di tanjung katong

Chan mali chan

Monday, July 6, 2015

Living in His amazing grace

She used to be my Sunday School student. A small and sweet little girl, always willing to obey and please everyone. Looking at the back of this young woman, it struck me between now and then that 15 years had flown past. Where have all those years gone?

In those 15 years, I had my most difficult trial in life but I came out of it better than before. In those 15 years, I graduated and fulfilled my greatest passion. In those 15 years, I decided to focus solely on a single ministry and my involvement was much greater than what I had ever imagined. In those 15 years, I found a decent man who later became my husband. In those 15 years, I had the time of my life planning and materialising my dream wedding followed by the most memorable honeymoon ever!

In those 15 years, I had my first precious boy. That bundle of joy filled me with immeasurable joy and awe. Many firsts and special moments were created. In those 15 years, I decided to homeschool my children and thus, happily resigned from my job. In those 15 years, I had my second precious boy and had great bonding with him in my breast feeding journey. He's the most mischievous and cheekiest boy I've ever taught. He's also the sweetest and most adorable little "koala" I've ever seen.

My boys are now 4.5 and 2 years. Looking back, I know I have not lived those 15 years in vain. God gave me more than sufficient grace in every situation. Even when I went through the darkest valley, He was there waiting for me to see the light. During my happiest and most blissful moments, He was also there. He has never shut me out of His grace and mercy. I know now that it's us humans who subconsciously or intentionally keep God out of our lives.

Standing at the crossroad once more, just as I did 15 years ago, I don't deny I feel more burdened than before. 15 years ago, it was just me. 15 years later, it's no longer solely me. I need to make decisions while taking into consideration my 2 boys. However, I increasingly have this faith that God is with us and will make a way for us. 15 years are gone. My next 15 years will, I'm sure, be filled with much more amazing grace that comes from God above.

*The above was written in May before my trip in Adelaide. After my trip, God gave me a surprise.

Many years ago, by God's divine providence, He brought me to Covenant EFC. That was the lowest point in my life. I spent a good 6 months there and met a group of wonderful brothers n sisters.

Almost 15 years later, God brought my family and me back to Covenant. It's strange how things turned out. I can only say it's all in God's plan in His own time. A few months ago, I was sharing with some close friends how I felt God is calling me back to Glory, the church I grew up in. The only obstacle is my hubby who wanted to explore other options which I wasn't keen. Less than 2 months later, God changed my heart. My friends and I decided to check out Covenant. My hubby, out of curiosity, agreed. Stepping into Covenant again gave me a sense of familiarity and warmth. I was glad to see some of my old friends. After the first service, a sense of peace which I've not felt in the longest time came over me. Naturally, we started attending the services the second, third and then fourth time. By then, we were quite certain this is where we want to worship.

Many pp may wonder and thought it must be tough on us. To even entertain the thought of moving on at our age can be daunting. However, the overwhelming sense of connectedness, peace, joy and contentment is more than suffice to indicate to us this is God's will. It's liberating because I no longer feel the bondage that hindered me from worshiping Him in spirit and in truth. What can be more important than the assurance God has given to me, my family and my close friends.

God is good all the time. This for sure I know as I've experienced and tasted His goodness in the weeks that follow as I stood at that crossroad some time ago, believing In His faithfulness and committing my next 15 years or more to Him.