Ever since Zech was of school-going age, our mornings and even late afternoons are spent on 'school'. I feel guilty sometimes for not reading every day with Nathanael. I remember when Zech was Nathanael's age, I never fail to read to him every single day. And it must be at least 4 English and 4 Mandarin books. Now I can only read (at most) 2 English and 2 Mandarin books every day to Zech and Nathanael separately.
Other than reading, Nathanael does a lot of stuff with his brother. Sometimes, he joins us for school. Painting, do-a-dot, colouring, playdough, play pretend etc. It's a different ball game altogether with the second child. So I wonder if Nathanael learns as much as Zech. Although I don't teach him explicitly, he is picking up things by listening while I homeschool Zech. Nathanael's always the first to get stuff for me when I need to. In a way, he learns alongside Zech. That's how he picks up new words and expands his vocabulary I guess. He's not 2 yet but I hear him speaking in complete sentences sometimes.
As Nathanael is about to turn 2 in a month's time, I'm grateful and contented with how much he has grown since he was born in 2013.
Nathanael was tiny at birth but grew steadily.
Here's Nathanael with his favourite instrument, the ukulele.
Nathanael's also most blessed to have a brother who loves him very much.
When Zech was learning to ride his bike, Nathanael was happy to toddle behind.
During school time with Zech, these are what Nathanael does sometimes.
Nathanael enjoying his quiet moment. A far cry from when we first begun in Jan.
Nathanael does have his quirky ways. Sleeping on the floor outside our bedroom in the middle of the night is a daily affair.
Never a day of boredom with 2 boys. I'm glad Nathanael is the youngest and last child in our family. He needs that kind of attention which he would never get if I had a third. In Nathanael's 2nd year, I pray that God continues to plant His Word in Nathanael's heart and mould his character to be faithful and strong.
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