Starting from this year, I regularly let Zech draw and colour. It was just at random last year. Unfortunately, this boy doesn't enjoy colouring. He likes to draw lines. Straight lines, crooked lines, jagged lines etc. So I got him to do lots of matching activity sheets. To make Zech more enthusiastic about writing, I bought him a set of stationery.
Zech's 'no nonsense' stationery.
But really, the quality is much much better than those cute stationery. His name is pasted on the classic pencils. I love his pencils and so does Zech!
His portfolio with all his activity sheets. Divided into basic skills such as visual perception, cutting etc., colouring and do-a-dot.
Bought him many activity books from Popular. They are part of his school routine every morning. These are fun activities and not worksheets like most preschool books.
These books just remind me of my own mum who bought similar ones for me when I was little. The only difference between Zech and me is I loved to colour the pictures inside the book. Even when the books were not meant for colouring.
Something else that Zech enjoys is cutting. It's his newfound skill. Doesn't he look diligent here? We were amused to find him so focused and intent.
Bought him this Kumon book for some paper cutting practice. Really cute and creative pictures to encourage cutting.
I've also started using the wordless book to share the Gospel with Zech.
Made the wordless book using A5 coloured paper.
For the past month, he has been memorizing 'The Lord's Prayer' so for the month of Feb, it's going to be Gospel month! Just started yesterday with the colour gold and will follow up with a craft related to heaven.
One of our homeschool aims is to get Zech to retell the story of Noah. Using this pack of cards as stimulus for retelling.
His favourite is treasure hunt. Searching for the correct shape can be so much fun!
Zech is also enjoying his Mandarin lesson with Mummy every morning. He likes to practise writing the Chinese characters using the board as shown below. A very useful resource! Zech's Por Por bought it for him at a book fair. :)
Teaching one to one is quite a breeze most of the time. The activities above are spread out throughout the day so Zech will not feel tired or bored. He still has his playtime. Lots and lots of play which is important for his age. And of course, not forgetting his daily reading time. We usually read at least 4 English and 4 Mandarin books.
Zech's routine is rather different from last year's and he is still trying to adapt. But I must say he has been very cooperative so far. Hopefully, it stays that way. :p
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