My boys need that outlet to play, bond, imagine and dream. Even if it's just a mere 20 min of water play at the Sports Hub after school one day (unfortunately the rain came soon after), my boys were refreshed with pure delight all over their faces.
Though Nath loves disturbing his big brother, he adores Zech and looks up to him a lot. One day, Nath took out the foldable table Zech uses in the morning for work. He quietly sat down and did his writing. He told me he needed to do his work just like Zech. How heartwarming! There was a day we went to the library together. Nath insisted on carrying a similar bag like Zech's.
I treasure the time the 2 boys spend together. Not as much this year but with a little advance planning, it does ensure some quality time.
The 2 boys watched a play together for the first time. It was an hour long but could captivate even Nath's attention.
At Nath's first visit to Kidzania, it dawned on me how precious for the brothers to be playing together. Nath needed the company.
Staying home together means more noise, more fights and more fun too. Lately, they constructed an airport using Lego. One evening after dinner, Nath sat down on the rug and started working on the airport. Love the collaboration between the brothers! It's still sitting nicely in the living room.
Once in a while, I miss having a little girl at home. But I'm so glad Zech and Nath have each other. On their journey to adulthood, they need those pockets of fun to foster, deepen and strengthen their relationship and that's what I'm entrusted with.