Since the start of the year, I have been struggling with Nathanael, especially in the morning while I'm teaching Zech. This little boy of mine is very persistent. If training is required, it takes weeks and sometimes months. He is a real test of my patience and perseverance.
When Nath is fine, he's very huggable and ahem, adorable. I know I'm biased but all mothers are towards their own.
When we first started out in Jan with Nathanael alongside us, he cried and kicked up a din every time I tried to teach Zech. There was absolutely nothing he could occupy himself with. Or rather, he didn't want to. Then I noticed he was interested in whatever Zech was doing. So I gave him some of the manipulatives. From then on, I realised mess is his best friend. The entire house is turned upside down. It's like a battlefield. However, he was still discontented and kept disturbing us. Even when I was reading to Zech, he would cry and wail at the top of his voice. It was horrifying! Thank God Zech was cooperative and once, we had to read a book with his baby brother crying in the background.
After a terrible month in Jan, I created a routine for Nath. Before I teach Zech, I'd prepare him and asked what he would like to play. I took out some toys and prepared some Cheerios for Nath. Cheerios are what turned our mornings around! Something so simple yet I didn't discover earlier. Well, better late than never. We are now nearing the end of Feb. I must say Nath is more settled. After taking his Cheerios, he could play on his own for some time. I'm very thankful for that. More peace than chaos in the house now. Nath still cries and whines for attention after a period of time. But I'm glad for at least the 20 to 30 min of self play he indulges in. Occupying him with toys or simple household tools seems to satisfy him now.
The pictures below show one of the better days. The chaos can be 10 times worse.
Zech, on the other hand, is easier to handle. Age matters I guess. He knows how to read his mummy's facial expression and sometimes tells me sweetly, 'Mummy, I want you to be happy.' He still makes me frustrated but it's easier to talk to him and get him to follow our instructions, even if he doesn't really want to.
My handsome boy. Like I've said, I'm biased. :)
Recently, it struck me that my boy has really matured. Bittersweet. We were waiting for a cab. 15 minutes passed. I was feeling annoyed. Zech kept asking me why this and why that. So that made me double annoyed while I tried my best to answer his questions. Asked him if we could eat something else like roti prata but he didn't want to. Then we walked for about 5 to 10 minutes to the cross junction, hoping to catch a cab there. Still, not one cab was in sight. I started complaining how we were wasting time and why couldn't we eat here and why must Zech eat only fried rice at Heartland Mall etc. All of a sudden, Zech said very calmly, 'Mummy, I can eat here. I can try roti prata.' I looked at him and sighed, asking him if he was sure. He nodded his head. I felt bad. Really bad even though roti prata is one of my favourite food and I was pretty sure Zech would like it if he tried. We had banana prata for lunch that day. He was very very cooperative. Thank God for such a sweet boy and for the first sign of his maturity! Gone were the days when we struggled with his crying and whining. Meltdowns with Zech seem to be a thing of the past now.
Here's a pic from homeschool unit 16 on the penguin.
A card for his papa done all by himself with some guidance from me on his drawing. He has improved tremendously in his colouring and writing. Mummy's very proud of his progress.
As I think back, I realised perseverance plays a major part in motherhood. No matter how long it takes a child to learn and how tough the process, giving up on a child or making compromises in nurturing should never be an option. This is something I remind myself when the going gets tough with Nath on board. But I can't just count on my own limited strength and ability. What truly sustains and keeps me going is really God's Word. Reading 'The Ministry of Motherhood' by Sally Clarkson recently gave me great insights and in a way, nourished my soul and inspired me to change my parenting style. Regardless of how busy we mothers are, it's still of utmost importance to have our quiet time with God. That is, ultimately, the essence of life.