This year, we used 'Truth in the tinsel' again. Added more details in the Christmas story and in the daily craft. Praise the Lord that Zech's starting to remember important details of the birth of Christ!
One very different thing we had done this year is dramatization. I realise that at 4yo, Zech loves playing pretend. He acted as Joseph and we used a doll as Mary. Nath loves playing along with us. His role was very simple. Just be a baby lying in a manger. He enjoyed that and even used his pillow for his head to rest on so it was more comfortable.
The crafts Zech had done using 'Truth in the tinsel'. If you are interested to try it out next year for Christmas, check out this website The eBook is easy and simple for pre-schoolers and kindergarteners. This is the second year we are using it.
Besides the daily lessons using 'Truth in the tinsel', Zech counted down to Christmas using an advent calendar. He took a note out of the pocket every day.
Some of the advent activities...
Another activity was making Christmas cards for his neighbours. He made two on his own.
Bought a big pack of foam figurines from and Zech pasted the figurines on paper to retell the Christmas story.
Not forgetting Zech's fav sensory play! My 2 boys love playing with the items in the tray. It could get messy and to minimise the mess, they played on the balcony and on a play mat.
These were some of the Christmas books we read in Dec. Great books. We enjoyed reading all.
With the Christmas season over, we are getting ready to embrace the new year. Preparing lesson plans, creating resources, organise, sort out and pack essential stuff. That's the way it is for us now.