Zechariah & Nathanael

Zechariah & Nathanael
Fun in the garden!

Friday, August 29, 2014

A for apple

Every time I ended a unit and started with a new topic, I'd feel a twinge of pity that I could not continue further and deeper with what we were doing. Just as I feel the new unit would not spark such intense interest and curiosity as the previous, gathering resources and preparing for the lessons for the next unit threw me into another cycle of awe and amazement once more. Such is the wonder of our Father's world I think.

I was still experimenting with dyeing the flowers using food colouring to show Zech that plants need water. Tried white chrysanthemums and roses as I couldn't get white carnations but didn't work well. Was about to give up when I chanced upon white carnations at Cold Storage. This time, I cut the stalks at a slanted angle and cut them really quite short. Added lots of food colouring to make sure the flowers would get dyed.

Finally some traces of green and red in the flowers.


Thank God this time, Zech could see very clearly the red and green specks on the carnations. I even plucked out the petals to show him the colouring at the bottom.

Reluctantly, I moved on to the next unit, A for apple. A really fun and interesting topic I soon discovered.

For every letter Zech learns, I prepared a basket filled with items. This is his Aa basket with items beginning with A. Includes a little booklet from alpha tales, which I bought from scholastic.com. Really useful.

Taught Zech to make apple salad, apple 'sandwich' and car apple. We made a poster of fruits using newspaper cuttings. An apple tree was made by tracing Zech's hand as the trunk and branches. The apples on the tree were made using fingerprints.

I bought lots of apples. Red ones, green and even yellow ones. Zech sorted them according to size and colours.

Zech counted the number of apples while I guided him to make an apple graph.


Used some of the apples to make apple pie. Zech helped me with the apple filling. It's always fun for him to be involved in the preparation. The crust was ready made from Cold Storage.

Here's my apple pie. Hahaha! Fortunately, only the edges were burnt. Zech  ate a slice and told me he likes it. That motivated me to try making another one soon.

Downloaded this stamping activity from http://www.3dinosaurs.com/printables/.

And of course, Zech had to learn how to write Aa. Fomed Aa with pebbles before learning how to write.

Some acceptable handwriting at last! For each unit, Zech usually does some amount of writing on the student sheets (provided by MFW) and a few other worksheets I've downloaded online. Realised the challenge for Zech is drawing curves. Thank God he's great with lines.

This unit's memory verse reminded Zech and me to bear fruit just like the apple tree. Zech made the apple prints and I wrote the memory verse for him at the bottom.

Made an apple tree for Zech and pasted it on the sliding door of our balcony. It works like a reward card. Look! Zech's bearing some fruits of the spirit. Bearing fruits is never easy but I'm sure glad after implementing this reward system, he has learnt to pack up and keep his room neat and tidy before breakfast every morning. The most important thing is catching him doing the right thing.

Did the usual stuff. Zech's gradually improving in this.

Always feel it's important for a child to learn outdoors, where all the five senses are engaged. So I made it a point to take Zech out on a field trip related to each unit. Last weekend, we made a trip down to a fruit farm at Lim Chu Kang, just next to Hay Dairies. No apple orchard in Singapore. But fret not! It's common to spot fruit trees here. There are many at the Botanic Gardens. In my mum's garden, there are quite a few too. Nevertheless, it's an experience for a child to venture down the countryside in Lim Chu Kang.

Know as Spring Orchard, it used to be a dragonfruit farm and now it's replaced with guava trees, which according to the old granny there, are easier to grow and bear fruit. We even bought 1kg worth of guavas home. Really yummy!


There were other fruits but we didn't explore due to the bad weather.

Saw this at the fruit farm. Not sure what they were. Maybe pomelos?

In every unit, there's so much to learn. Not just for Zech but for me as well. It is a journey and may we walk close to God in every step we make.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

L for leaf

More on unit 3 'L for leaf'. Such an interesting and meaningful unit!

This topic teaches kids to live and grow in Jesus, using the leaf to illustrate the importance of relying and remaining in the plant. The object lesson of a leaf breaking away from the plant enables a child to grasp the concept of depending on the plant for survival. Really love this real life lesson! It's not just speaking to Zech but to me as well.

Zech's pressed leaves collection...

Whenever we do Bible memorization and story, I use my trusty Elmo puppet to engage in dialogue with me. Zech loves Elmo and often reminds me to take him out. It helps him to listen more attentively and speeds up the time required to memorise the Bible verses. The puppet is a very effective tool!

Other fun activities for the leaf unit...

Making tree snack for tea. My fav! Got the idea from preschool.com.
A simple leaf experiment to show trees and plants lose water through the leaves.

See the water droplets?

At the end of each unit, book time is recommended. This time I chose 'Caps for sale' from the book list. How I love the story!

Designed a post-reading activity. Zech did one to one correspondence. Then I showed him how to use the leaves to make a tree man. I was inspired by the book 'Leaf man' . Can you spot the tree man Zech has created in the photo above?

Recently, I've started making my own word cards based on the unit and books.  After going through the cards, I put them in the sensory tray, hid them in the rice and Zech searched for the word I call out.


For most of Zech's craft and work, I displayed it on a wall outside his room alongside his creation pieces from day 1 to day 7. Realised what's most useful about the display is giving Zech a chance to review. Sometimes he would retell the creation story several times to me or his papa.

Progress of the bean plants. 


Very exciting for Zech to see the bean plants growing taller every day. Great resource to teach the different parts of a plant as the roots, stem and leaves can be seen clearly.
Recently, I've built in outdoor play to our daily schedule. Though sometimes we can't make it outdoor due to some reason or another, we try to do this at least twice a week. This makes my boys really happy. Zech on his balance bike and Nathanael on his tricycle, making our way down to the roof garden is now an almost daily affair.



Sunday, August 10, 2014

Journey to the moon and back in the garden...

Highlights of unit 2 'M for moon'...

Play pretend! Zech's all time fav for now. With his imaginary spacesuit, a backpack as oxygen tank and a plastic container as his space helmet, his rocket took off and landed on the moon after 3 days. Using his ride on as a moon buggy, he explored the moon., collecting rocks and soil to take back to earth for further investigation.

CR book is used once every unit. This time, Zech used the Cuisenaire Rods to form man, milk bottle and mailbox. Decided to make a sensory tray for review of the letters and new words learned.

Zech's first attempt at writing lower case m.

Highlights of unit 3 'L for leaf'...

We collected many leaves for this unit.

Leaf outline, leaf rubbing and leaf printing for craft work with lots of help from Mummy.

To teach Zech the different parts of a tree, I drew a huge tree on butcher paper and labelled the parts.
However, this is not as good as seeing, touching and feeling nature. So off we went to Jacob Ballas Garden on National Day!

Made a simple activity booklet for Zech which required him to explore and observe the plants and trees. Always feel that outdoor is where Zech's learning curve is the highest.

At Jacob Ballas Garden, we went hunting for specific plants and those with useful leaves. Did some bark rubbing, took photos and had a go at the plants' food-making factory station. The real highlight of the outing was....water play! Both my boys went crazy, prancing around and getting their faces sprayed with jets of cool water. Very therapeutic!

It's been a fun, meaningful and fruitful homeschooling journey with Zech. And it's quite addictive. Sometimes I wonder if I should continue homeschooling Zech beyond kindergarten. Witnessing your own child learn and progress is probably the best reward for parents. Nothing beats that. It can be challenging at times especially if Zech is restless or when I work with him on his weak areas. But I learn to give thanks and take delight in his strengths and progress. Most importantly,  I have a motivated 3 going on 4 year old boy who's always asking me to do lessons with him. For that alone, I'm proud of him. :)