1. Sensory tray
Zech had a good time exploring the items. He used the red cup to scoop the red beans and poured some into the red plastic bag.
Nathanael wanted to be involved too so we took out one item at a time and let him practice grasping objects. Zech had lots of fun with the red packet which he pretended to take out money and gave some to me. Other items in the tray included cubes, shapes, foam music notes and instruments, rubber bands, toy fruits, tinsel. Throughout his play time, I repeatedly tell him the items are red in colour.
2. Using the shapes from the shape sorter and with red paint, I taught Zech how to print shapes. He had great fun as it was similar to stamping.
3. Cut an apple and showed Zech how God has put a star in the apple. He was fascinated. After telling him the apple is red, we ate the apples. Then we used the remaining apple to make apple prints. Was not very successful as Zech tends to press too hard so the prints did not come out nicely.
4. Zech used tongs to pick up red pom poms and placed them on the apples on the apple tree.
5. Made apple stencils for Zech by cutting out the apples on printed paper. This was easier for Zech as all he needed to do was to hold the brush and paint.
After feasting his eyes on red for a week, we are now moving on to the colour green. That is going to be good for his eyes. :)