When uncertainty calls, the world seems to have come to a standstill. Even when people and things continue revolving, complete silence has engulfed me. As I laid on bed most of the time for 2 weeks, it was dreadful not knowing what tomorrow brings. I wish the dark clouds will pass me by quickly. Counting down the weeks, marking each day as it goes past became a daily routine. Everytime I step into the clinic, it's reality check for me. Everytime I get an injection, I'm grateful. No more complains about the pain. Just relieved and thankful.
When uncertainty calls, there is truly no one else but God. A gentle breeze carries His whisper. The soft pitter-patter of the rain bears His mark of grace. The morning sunlight streaming through the curtains is a sign of His daily faithfulness. When uncertainty calls, God's mercy and protection overrides all doubts. Knowing He is the one who holds the key to life, I can only surrender my will, my thoughts and my dreams of the future to him. When uncertainty calls, I'm willing to wait for Him to reveal His will. For even if the worst happens, I know for sure this tiny little life in my womb is safe in His hands.
One thing that amazed me and still does is how such a tiny one has so much fighting spirit. After all the trauma, I'm just filled with awe at how it's so fully alive and kicking with all its might on the ultrasound. That moment gave me courage and strength to stay positive.
Thank God for seeing me and this baby through 13 weeks, for unfolding Your love once more through all these. And to all my dear brothers and sisters who have been praying for me and the unborn child, may God bless you.